Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's raining...MULCH!!

We usually love the sunshine and hate the rain, that is, until we started growing our own vegetables. Now when rain is forecast, it is a delight...bring it on!

Our new patch was spoilt with an entire weekend of rainfall, considering we are in severe drought conditions it was a welcome suprise. We have a long, dry summer ahead so we utilised this drenching by mulching the entire patch. Sugar cane mulch seemed our best option, both suitable and inexpensive, we still have half the bag left!

What a result, our soil has remained lovely and moist! Our patch receives all day sun and the mulch has really helped it to not dry out too much.

Our current water restrictions mean NO OUTSIDE WATERING! So, we hydrate our patch with 100% recycled water.

Living in a big share house may mean no clean dishes, toilet paper or milk...but at least there is one huge advantage -more shower water to be saved!!
We bribed the other housemates with yummy 'free' meals once harvest time approaches in exchange for showering with a bucket between their feet.

So far, so good! We are managing to recycle a plentiful amount for the entire patch everyday.

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